The leaked document, the author of which, presumably, is an employee of the exchange Huobi Shi Feifei, under the heading “pool Credentials gcd Huobi 20180911” evidence that manufacturers of units in the network EOS can participate in a mutual vote and to redistribute income between themselves. This writes Trustnodes.

According to the document, Huobi vote for 20 manufacturers of power (approx. – they serve as miners on the network EOS), and 16 of them voted for Huobi.

Document analysis also showed that Huobi had previously voted for seven awaiting approval manufacturers units which do not have “public nod, web site, owner information, interaction nodes”, etc. in Return they agreed to share with Huobi part of their income.

Thus, the document States that Huobi vote for eosiosg11111 and gets 170 EOS, cochainworld and gets 150 EOS and, finally, for eospaceioeos who pays for this exchange 50% of their income from the production of power.

This activity can bring Huobi 116 1 EOS per day, or about $6 000 at the current exchange rate, in addition to the amount the company receives as a manufacturer of blocks.

Likely to vote Huobi uses the token EOS, owned by its users. Bitfinex, which is also the manufacturer of the units the EOS, in June introduced a formal procedure, allowing it to use the assets of users to participate in voting.

In other public blockchains exchange, which is expected, hold on their wallets large amounts of cryptocurrencies, don’t play such a significant role. However, the network EOS, where 50% of the funds are concentrated in 10 wallets, and the consensus answers 21 the manufacturer of the blocks, the situation is somewhat different, and, if we believe to new data, some of them have even more power than stated officially.

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