Monday, January 28, at the venue of the ICO Binance Launchpad hosted awaited eagerly by many investors krausel BitTorrent. Accompanied by the increased excitement and technical challenges process was completed in less than 18 minutes, and it was sold to 59.4 billion tokens BTT (about $7.2 million).
Krausel BTT started at 15:00 UTC, and was held in two parallel sessions: one of them, the participants were able to purchase tokens for the cryptocurrency TRON (TRX), and secondly for tokens BNB.
Both sessions concluded. Took about 18 minutes, due to a system issue, would have taken 18 seconds otherwise. Demand was astronomical.
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) January 28, 2019
“Both sessions completed. All took about 18 minutes because of problems on the system. Without them this time would be 18 seconds. The demand was astronomical”, – wrote to Twitter CEO Binance, Chanpen Zhao.
As specified on the website of the company, BNB-session 13 minutes and 25 seconds sold from 23.76 billion tokens BTT, TRON session lasted 14 minutes and 41 seconds, and was implemented of 35.64 billion BTT. During the campaign one token BTT sold for 0.00001824 BNB or 0.00447261 TRX.
According to Binance, in total, crudele were able to participate at least thousands of investors – 622 participant in the session TRON and 340 in session BNB.
Under the message Zhao turned a large number of comments that angry people write that are unable to participate in crudele because of the obvious technical problems – the site is simply not coped with the influx of visitors.
So, some users reported that they did not display the buy button …
Sorry, but it sucked, this is what I was observing all those minutes
— I am just a number (@iamjustanumber8) January 28, 2019
… others have written about what I see the error message in Chinese.
— EG CRYPTO (@eg_magic) January 28, 2019
Some still managed to get to the buy page, but there they were first greeted by a message stating that the application is in the queue, and then notice that the campaign is completed.
As explained Chanpen Zhao, those who were lucky enough to purchase tokens that are used the most affordable accommodation in the amount of $20,000. He also said that the order of the requests were met, and that in the future it will be necessary to set lower limits, however, the need to return funds to investors and a repeated campaign as he was asked, he did not see.
Order of requests was preserved. It should have finished in a few seconds (far less than 18s actually), the server glitch just delayed the results. So, no need to redo. We should have set the upper limit lower so that more can get some. Mislead by all the “bear” cries…
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) January 28, 2019
Meanwhile, the founder of the TRON project Justin San wrote that he would like to explore the possibility of airdrop tokens BTT for those technical problems could not participate in krausel. And judging by the fact that, Chanpen this entry is retweeted, that is a possibility.
I would like to explore the possibility with @binance to giveaway free $BTT to everyone on launchpad fails to get #BTT today. #BitTorrent community wants you! Not 100% guarantee. Need to figure out detail. BUT RT if you agree! @cz_binance #TRON $BNB $TRX
— Justin Sun (@justinsuntron) January 28, 2019
Chapter Binance later added that the command Tron has agreed to conduct a small airdrop, additional information will be given later.
Due to overwhelming demands, Tron team generously agreed to do a small airdrop for people who tried to place orders, but was not successful in buying. Exact numbers will be published soon.
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) January 28, 2019
Note also that another disappointment for investors who have previously bought a lot of TRX and BNB, but failed to participate in crudele, was a sharp decline in the prices of both assets immediately upon completion of the campaign.
As mentioned earlier ForkLog, token BTT created as a continuation of the Atlas project based on the standard TRC-10, but it’s also fully compatible and ERC-20. Total emissions amount to 990 billion BTT. The token will be used to reward users for distributing files on torrent trackers BitTorrent and µTorrent.