While Russian law enforcement bodies have begun check in which suspended the activities of the group companies, Casbee, which is suspected of creating the cryptocurrency of the financial pyramid in the Internet intensified specialists, advertising services, repayment to the investors of the project.
For example, according to “Kommersant“, the assistance with the return payment, the involvement of law enforcement and foreign experts for 10-60 thousand rubles offered in advertising messages“, the Center for financial security.” Thus, according to the publication, the company has a minimum share capital and massive legal address. In comments to journalists the Chairman of the Board “the Renaissance the Credit” Sergey Korolev suggested that the centre may create the appearance of legal action, “not doing anything for real money back, and to prosecute such fraud is extremely difficult.”
In addition, according to the Director of the Department for combating unfair practices of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Valery Lyakh, another danger for investors, Cerberi are scammers who offer to invest the remaining funds in a new financial pyramid.
Recall that the founder of financial pyramid MMM Sergei Mavrodi promised to launch in 2018 own cryptocurrency. In may, the Twitter account of who died in March Mavrodi wishing offered to exchange the coupons MMM for free MVR to Mavro office.