IRS, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the UK have joined together to fight tax crimes and money laundering with the use of crypto-currencies and other assets. Reported by Forbes.

The Alliance has called J5. Its purpose is to strengthen international control over cryptoprotection. Management will share information, conduct joint investigations and to empower each other with the help of innovative technologies.

“We are convinced that the offshore structures and financial instruments used to commit tax crimes and money laundering are detrimental to economic, financial and social interests of our countries”, — said on the website of the IRS (IRS).

If necessary, J5 will work with the international Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD). Note, at the initiative of the OECD appeared Alliance.

The first meeting of agencies was held last week. It J5 has developed tactical plans and identified first steps for catching criminals. Further action J5 will be announced at the end of the year.

“J5 intends to exert pressure on the criminal community practices that countries can apply separately”, — said the head of the IRS don the Fort.

We will remind, in June, the giant Telecom, Tencent and the Chinese government have teamed up to combat the security problems associated with the use of the blockchain.
