American companies AdvisorShares Advisors and Sabretooth created an exchange-traded Fund (ETF) based on high-tech companies, including working with blockchain technology and cloud computing. As reported by MarketWatch, the launch of Sabretooth AdvisorShares ETF (Ticker BKCH) was held on 7 February.
According to the registration statement issued by the Commission on securities and exchange Commission (SEC), the new Fund can invest in stocks, American Depository receipts and other exchange traded products. In this case cryptocurrency investments are prohibited.
“The potential of blockchain and cloud computing, as well as their direct impact on the financial and technological sectors, allow us to speak about the long-term effectiveness of investment in this sector”, — said the representatives of investment companies.
According to NASDAQ, now as a-shares ETF, under the Ticker BKCH closed at $25.
Recall that in early February the Chicago Board options exchange filed a request to launch a bitcoin ETF from VanEck name and SolidX. A positive decision of the SEC to launch a bitcoin ETF and are waiting for the founders of the exchange, Gemini, brothers Winklevoss, especially after the site audit conducted by Deloitte.