For the 10-year anniversary of the Genesis block of bitcoin French street artist Pascal Board painted the mural, which was encrypted puzzle 0.26 BTC (about $1055).

#StreetArt treasure hunt in Paris with a #Bitcoin puzzle
For the 10th birthday of the genesis block, I painted this frescoe in Paris with a 0,26 btc ($1000) puzzle in it.
Here’s the public key: 1NqPwPp7hEXZ3Atj77Ue11xAEMmXqAXwrq Thanks to @alistairmilne for sponsoring this 🙏

— Pascal Boyart (@pascalboyart) January 7, 2019.

The exact location of the mural is not known, but it is known that he painted on the wall with the mural somewhere in the centre of Paris. Board also said that to solve the puzzle you need to stand directly in front of the mural.

The artist’s work is an allusion to the famous painting of Eugene Delacroix “Liberty leading the people” — the revolutionaries of the XIX century replaced by representatives of the movement “Yellow jackets”, the protests which broke out in France at the end of 2018.

Recall that in March 2018 software developer James Stanley deciphered codes hidden in three paintings out of Lego bricks by American artist Andy Bauch, received the award in the amount of about 0.35 BTC.

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