On the Peninsula of Crimea can be created by the international center for training specialists from the sanctions countries working with blockchain technology. About TASS said the President of the Crimean Republican Association of the blockchain technology investment (KRABI) novel, Kulachenko.
In his opinion, these courses are also required authorities.
“The center will allow countries like Crimea under sanctions, for example, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, to unite and to solve the problem”, — believes, Kulachenko.
In particular, the President CRABIT interested in the creation of an investment centre blockchain platforms for foreign investors, which will allow them to work in the sanctions for all countries anonymously.
“We have to create a regulatory framework for working with machine-readable smart contracts and digital assets,” — said the official.
We will remind, in November 2017, Russia’s honorary Consul in Switzerland, Karl Eckstein stated that the establishment in the Crimea of the blockchain made it possible to attract to the Peninsula for foreign investment.
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