
Russia’s Alfa Bank and the it company “the Rent is 24” has created a service for calculations in the housing sector based on the blockchain platform R3 Corda. To use the service, the participants of the calculations, you must configure the sending and receiving of messages in a distributed registry – no need to upgrade to the new software. Through the platform for the first payment on account of the Samara branch of OAO “T Plus”, one of Russia’s largest suppliers of electricity and heat.

The advantages of the decision makers will include a unified clearing center, which produces for users of one payment instead of 6-8 separate receipts and brings together all the financial flows from the public and transparency of calculations, the accuracy of the information about fees, the potential reduction of accounts receivable and improve collection rates.

“The new platform brings the full transparency of payments for utilities. This ensures the settlement participants that the funds will not linger on accounts of intermediaries, and will be available to providers of utility services on a daily basis and in full volume”, – commented the head of Department of design business of the block “Corporate investment Bank” Alfa-Bank Evgeny Zilov.

Recall that in the spring of last year, Alfa-Bank became the first Russian credit institution that has acceded to the blockchain-the consortium of R3. Later in the organization he took part in testing of the international banking platform for the exchange of data about corporate clients.
