On the block No. 7280000 in Ethereum has been activated updates Constantinople and St. Petersburg.
That’s a wrap! Constantinople and St. Petersburg fork complete for the @ethereum #blockchain network upgrade!
— Amberdata.io (@Amberdataio) February 28, 2019
From Constantinople expected process optimization of large-scale computing (EIP-1052), and improving the efficiency of information processing in the block chain ETH (bit offset or EIP-145), introduction of a solution for scaling (EIP-1014), reducing the reward for adding blocks to the network and the delay “bombs of complexity” (EIP-1234), and from St.Petersburg – removal update EIP-1283 of the test network.
Recall that the initial activation of Constantinople — the second part of the hard forks Metropolis — was scheduled for October (block # 4230000). First, however, the launch of Constantinople was postponed for a few days, then on Jan. But 36 hours before reaching the selected block hardwork was postponed indefinitely because of a vulnerability discovered by the company ChainSecurity in improving EIP 1283. The problem was solved by the fix St. Petersburg, and received a double name.