For the first half of 2018 on hacker forums was recorded 477 ads for the sale or rental of programs for covert mining, while over the same period in 2017 their number was five times less — 99. This is stated in a new study by an international company to prevent cyber attacks Group-IB.

This software has a relatively low cost — the minimum price of the program for covert mining is$ 0.5, the average value is $10.

Dangerous trend, experts Group-IB called the wide availability of Trojans-miners intended to use other people’s devices and infrastructure in order to illegitimately generate different types of cryptocurrency. Contamination infrastructure Trojan-miner can lead to failure of the enterprise applications, networks and systems. Unauthorized third-party programs without the knowledge of owners of business would result in loss of reputation, and risk from the compliance and regulators.

“The low threshold of entry into the market of “black money” on illegal mining leads to the fact that mining crypto currencies do people with no technical knowledge and any experience of participating in fraudulent schemes. They do not consider it a crime, especially that of the Russian legislative field still leaves a sufficient number of loopholes to avoid prosecution for such a theft”, — says the expert Cyberathlete Group-IB company of Rustam Mirkasymov.

He added that the cases of arrest and judicial prosecution for cryptogenic single, despite the fact that most of the methods of installation of the program-miner’s rule fall under article of the criminal code “Illegal access to computer information” and “Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs”.

“For cryptogamica can be used by any device (computer, smartphone, IoT, server), so install detection systems at the workstation level is not enough. Symmetrical response to this threat was the detection of different manifestations of hashing at the network layer. For this use, including the technology of behavioral analysis to identify previously unknown programs and tools”, — said Mirkasymov.

Experts Group-IB emphasize that the analysis of the suspicious activity must be carried out in an isolated and safe environment while ensuring complete confidentiality of data on infected machines, the segments of infrastructure and other resources. In addition, companies must be able to defend themselves from the classical insayderstva, that is, from their own unscrupulous employees, who decided to multiply their income through the resources of the employer.

We will remind, earlier ForkLog reported that according to the experts of Group-IB, the number of compromised accounts on bitcoin exchanges in the beginning of 2018 increased by 689%.
