
Cryptococcoma platform Huobi Korea has announced tougher rules to combat money-laundering (AML).

According to the site will be revised the processes of entry and withdrawal, as well as oversight of cryptocurrencies. The company plans to monitor any suspicious transactions and to constantly update the algorithm that monitors transactions for potential fraud.

In addition, Huobi Korea will open a hot line between the exchanges to prevent identity theft, phishing and other fraud. According to the company statement, the measures must ensure compliance with company regulations and instructions of the financial services Commission (FSC) of Korea.

Recall that according to the study the Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI), 70 of the top 100 kryptomere involved in money laundering.

Huobi Group launched a crypto currency exchange in South Korea in April last year. In 2018, the company actively expanded the geography of stock exchange business was opened adjustable marketplace in the United States, through the purchase of the crypto currency exchange BitTrade returned to Japan. In November was launched the cryptocurrency derivatives exchange Huobi DM.

Previously the CEO of Huobi Global van Livio (Livio Weng) said that the exchange Huobi business generates 70% of revenue. Chapter Huobi Group Li Ling (Li Lin) at the end of 2018 reported that fees exchange fees amounted to more than $500 million.
