The Committee for advertising standards in the UK (ASA) has applied to the Department for financial regulation and supervision (FCA) complaint against the ad FINTECH start-up Revolut. The company allegedly gave knowingly false statistics spending of its users, writes the Independent.

So, posted in the London underground banners Revolut indicated that 11 867 users of the service bought a roll with vegan sausage and 12 750 clients ordered meals for one on Valentines Day.

The representative of the Revolut acknowledged that the company just invented the numbers, because the law only has access to information on the place and amount of purchase, not specifically the purchased product.

“We agree on the banner, there was no clear designation that this is fiction”, — said the representative of the startup.

As a rule, if advertising enters the consumer confusion, the company faces a fine, however, what sanctions will be imposed on Revolut, is still unknown.

We will add that in addition to violations of the law on advertising, some Twitter users accused the Revolut in samine single people.

How much does this ad infuriate me? Let me count the ways. Firstly, patronising language & awful single-shaming more redolent of the early 2000s Bridget Jones, not a modern and empowered fintech brand (1)

— Iona Bain (@ionayoungmoney) on 4 February 2019

“The company operates personal expenses people to make us think that single pathetic”, — wrote the user ion Bane.

We will remind, in December 2018 Revolut received a European banking license.
