More than 80% released to date, the broadcast focused on 7 572 addresses the balance of each of which exceeds 1 000 ETH, according to the new study the company Delphi Digital.

0/ We’re excited to release our “Entering The Ethereum’ report. Read it in full here!

— Delphi Digital (@Delphi_Digital) March 7, 2019

Analysts produce detailed classification of ETH addresses depending on the volume-controlled cryptocurrency: 6 490 addresses contain from 1 000 to 10 000 ETH, 923 – from 10 000 to 100 000 ETH, 155 – from 100 000 to 1 000 000 ETH, 4 – from 1 000 000 to 10 000 000 ETH.

As of March 3, more than 2.3 million ETH or about 2% of the total deals were concentrated in decentralized financial applications. 98% of this number accounts for smart contracts MakerDAO used for the production of decentralized stablon Dai. It is followed by loan platform Compound, the exchange Protocol Uniswap platform prediction markets Augur and platform financial derivatives dYdX.

The authors of the report also draw attention to technical risks that can wait for Ethereum in the near future. In particular, they mention the increased centralization caused by the role of infrastructure platform Infura, allowing you to run decentralized applications without the need to maintain a full node. According to Delphi Digital, the developers, resorting to the help of Infura, rely on the solution provided by the company ConsenSys and based on cloud of Amazon Web Services, which in the system creates a single point of failure.

Commenting on the findings of Delphi Digital, the rating Agency Weiss Ratings noted that the centralization of assets in Ethereum can become a threat when the cryptocurrency will move to the mechanism of consensus Proof-of-Stake. However, Ethereum remains one of the most decentralized potential PoS-systems, said Weiss, as an example, pointing to Binance Coin, “where the 5 largest accounts contain 2/3 of the issue”.

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