According to analytical company DataLight, the largest number of users of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges accounts for traders from USA, while their colleagues from Russia and Ukraine are represented in much smaller proportions.
The greatest number of American users – 60.1 per cent — platform Coinbase, on Binance, Bittrex and Poloniex, the figures were 24, 27 and 28 percent, respectively.
Crypto traders from the US are the most active across the majority of the exchanges except for @bitfinex, which also has the most even geographical distribution of traders.
— DataLight (@DataLightMe) February 4, 2019
Considerably less US traders — 10% — submitted for exchange Bitfinex. Leader in the number of users on that exchange named Germany, where come of 13.5%.
As the graph shows, users from Russia active on exchanges such as Poloniex (10%), and Binance and Bitfinex — 6%.
Ukrainian traders bypassed the Russian on Bitfinex is 6.5%, but much less of it is presented on Poloniex to 4.9%.
Data DataLight, however, hardly give a complete picture of this segment of the market. For comparison, in December the specialists of the Belarusian marketing Agency BDCenter published data on the 30 most popular exchanges, according to which the largest number of users of these platforms based in the United States, Russia and China.
We will remind, according to the December report of the Cambridge centre for alternative Finance, the number of verified users of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the first three quarters of 2018 grew by 80%.