According to analyst firm CryptoCompare, 85% of protocols, on which cryptocurrencies operate, can at any time be significantly modified by the developers. In this case 55% available at the moment scriptaction are essentially centralized projects and 30% – partially centralized. So really decentralized in the ecosystem can be considered to be about 15% of scriptaction.
Among the ways of distribution of tokens is the most popular, according to the findings CryptoCompare are public sales (41%), while the ICO prefer a 3% private placement – 6% and remaining – 1% of the projects.
Also in a recent report the company says that a big part of the cryptocurrency can technically qualify as securities. For example, by Swiss regulator FINMA, bitcoin and Ethereum are not securities, as they have behind them certain companies and have a high degree of decentralization. But at least 54.8% of publicly traded scriptactive on the basis of the FINMA guidelines, the securities can be called.
We will remind that in April of this year, Gary Gensler (Gary Gensler), who previously worked at Goldman Sachs and headed the Commission on urgent exchange trade of the USA (CFTC), and now teaches MIT students the use of blockchain technology in Finance, said that Ethereum and Ripple may constitute unregistered securities. He also said that most of the ICO-tokens should be considered securities and to control the forces of the Commission on securities and exchange Commission (SEC).