From a cold wallet cryptocurrency platform was derived from unauthorized 50 million tokens TIO that at the time of the break-in was about $11 million Now the price of TIO decreased, and at the time of writing this amount is approximately equal to $8 million (according to CoinMarketCap).
According to the company, it was discovered that 1.3 million of the stolen TIO sent to the crypto currency exchange Bancor and Kucoin. Both sites are blocked output/output token at the request of the
Now the company is considering various options for further action. One of them may be holding the fork, which will make the stolen token is useless. On his decision to promises to announce during the day.
The stolen funds of the company that has been stored in a cold wallet, was designed to pool liquidity, which was launched earlier this month. Pool created to support the trading on the platform also participating will receive interest on your Deposit. said that he used “recommended industrial cold storage, which is located in the vaults of the Bank with all relevant materials.” The safes has not been compromised, the company confirmed.
We will remind, earlier the American company CipherTrace calculated that for 9 months of 2018 cryptocurrency exchanges lost from hacker break-ins of $927 million