This week, investor and founder of the service Newtraderu Steve burns launched the global flashmob, inviting his Twitter followers to describe an unsuccessful trading experience in three words.

— Steve Burns (@SJosephBurns) July 4, 2018.

Given the General decline of the stock market, the main topic of the jokes touched on exactly this topic.

i get scare

— lupe (@senorLupe) July 4, 2018.

“I get scared”

However, there were other options:

Giving away 500ETH

—  (@iOwnCrypto) July 5, 2018

“Gave 500 ETH”

It’s different now

— Stressbollen (@stressbollen) July 4, 2018.

“Everything will be different”

Just HODL bitconnect

— Madoff wasn’t on the blockchain (@bccponzi) July 4, 2018.

“Just hodell Bitconnect”

One of the users wrote the phrase “I bought SYS”, referring to the incident of July 4, when the Binance crypto currency exchange has suspended operations after one of the users paid 96 BTC for Syscoin one token.

long story, short

— ₿ (@wanderventures) July 4, 2018.

“Anyway, long story”

In the Russian segment of the flashmob was supported by cryptoexpert Kir Kelevra.

Driven top of the phrase “mountain traders”:

  • Bought December, cue
  • Greed.Hope.Margin call.
  • Technical analysis always works
  • 20, 10, 5
  • Slept for 20
  • The reversal went !
  • How to restore the keys
  • Bought RIPL (here two words will suffice)
  • A census of the fools of bezregistracii
  • Bala toad Viper

Recall that a “panic key” Nakamoto.

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