Co-founder of the oldest Chinese cryptocurrency exchange BTCC Bobby Lee urged investors and users to distinguish the blockchain projects and databases.

People don’t realize that the Blockchain should be distinct & different from Databases, invented decades ago!Out bitcoins s real Blockchain was only invented in 2009.
Everyone using a digital ledger is calling it the Blockchain w/o regards to functionality.
Complete intellectual dishonesty!

— Bobby Lee (@bobbyclee) 30 may 2018 R.

Thus If repeated recent comments of well-known bitcoin Evangelist Andreas Antonopoulos about the unattractiveness insufficiently decentralized blockchains.

“The real blockchain bitcoin was invented in 2009. Everyone who uses a distributed registry calls him bloccano, without considering functionality. Complete intellectual dishonesty!”, — said Lee.

Criticism of the blockchain is a topical subject of discussion from the moment when Antonopoulos in his speech in Poland said that the decentralized technology without principles is a “bad database”.

Lee then paraphrased Antonopoulos, adding that “95% of the ICO claim they are blockchain-projects, although in fact it is just a database”.

“All the data coming into the blockchain, should be independent and publicly verifiable” — said the businessman.

Earlier, Antonopoulos called the four key things that needs cryptocurrency industry, and also suggested that in 2018 could be held on another hardwork bitcoin with the goal of increasing block size.
