A research unit of the bitcoin exchange BitMEX have attempted to assess the current state miner, which has dominated the network of bitcoin during 2009.

More likely this person or group of people was Satoshi Nakamoto.

Does Satoshi have a million bitcoins?

Although the evidence is far less robust than many assume, there is reasonable evidence that a single dominant miner in 2009 could have generated around 700,000 bitcoin. 1 million bitcoin may be an overestimatehttps://t.co/KReJ1e78yw pic.twitter.com/RkE8khEA8S

— BitMEX Research (@BitMEXResearch) 20 Aug 2018

Analysis of the co-founder of blockchain, the company RSK Labs Sergio Lerner, which he published in 2013, based on the value of ekstrasensov in terms of time and generate blocks. Then he came to the conclusion that Satoshi mined 1 million BTC, however, the study BitMEX found some weaknesses in the theory of Lerner.

Representatives tried to count the number of blocks mined by the same miner in 2009, and came to the conclusion that the state of that miner’s rule does not exceed 700 000 BTC. Thus in BitMEX not ready to say that this miner was just Satoshi, who probably got the block number 9.

We will remind, earlier it became known that stichometrically analysis of the excerpt from the book “Duality” showed that its author could actually be Satoshi Nakamoto.
