
TheDarkOverlord hacker group threatens to divulge secret information on the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, if you do not receive the ransom, opened the first part of the documents.

The attackers claim to have stolen from some of the largest insurance companies in the world 18 thousand documents with confidential information regarding the attacks of 9/11, and demand a ransom in bitcoin for their non-disclosure.

In addition to extortion, the hacker also accept donations from users who want this information disclosed.

In total, the archive is five “levels” of documents, each of which contains “more secrets, more damaging materials, more SSI, SCI, materials on government investigations and, in General, more truth”.

Twitter has blocked the account group. However, attackers have moved on Steemit – resistant to censorship social network based on blockchain technology.

In its new press release of January 3, the hackers said that they do not care about the truth. For them, documentation of the events of September 11, is the only way to make money. They also first called the value of the disclosure of each of documents for all five levels.

“Considering our motives (money, in particular Bitcoin), we do not intend to disclose “juicy” documents until we are paid the full amount. However, for the purposes of public awareness and transparency, we officially published the compensation plan. The following are the amounts needed for each level disclosure documents filled with new facts, previously unknown,” reads the statement on Steemit.

The payment plan looks like this:

  • Layer_1.container – 5000 USD per BTC
  • Layer_2.container – 50 000 USD per BTC
  • Layer_3.container – 100 000 USD in BTC
  • Layer_4.container – 1 000 000 USD in BTC
  • Layer_5.container – 2 000 000 USD in BTC

Since the publication of its first statement, the hackers got about 3 BTC donations. The result was disclosed in the documents “first level”.

As noted by the CCN, the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 are an important theme in U.S. history. Many people do not believe in the official version of the authorities, therefore, publication of confidential information by the 9/11 terrorist attacks may be of interest to a large number of different groups.

While it is difficult to say how important those documents that managed to get hackers, and what impact their disclosure will have on the public.
