Once the most popular crypto currency exchange Poloniex is the second time in the last few days is experiencing technical difficulties.
We are currently experiencing technical issues. The exchange has been placed into maintenance mode and we will let everyone know when we are back up.
— Poloniex Exchange (@Poloniex) 25 Zhovtnya 2018 R.
Representatives of the exchange said that at the moment the site is “in maintenance mode” and promised to let you know when the problems will be eliminated.
UPDATE: After some time, representatives of the exchange said that the problems are fixed and the platform is operating normally.
All systems are back to normal and the exchange is operational. We apologize for the disruption.
— Poloniex Exchange (@Poloniex) 25 Zhovtnya 2018 R.
It is noteworthy that yesterday, on October 24, the stock exchange was also not available:
Poloniex is currently experiencing technical difficulties. We are looking into it and hope to have the exchange available soon.
— Poloniex Exchange (@Poloniex) 24 Zhovtnia 2018 R.
A few days before this problem was with the wallets for Litecoin:
We’re currently working to re-enable LTC deposits and withdrawals. Please watch this thread for updates, and thank you for your patience in the meantime.
— Poloniex Exchange (@Poloniex) 20 Zhovtnya 2018 R.