Founded by brothers Winklevoss the crypto currency exchange Gemini joined the brokerage community in British Telecommunications (BT) Radianz Cloud.
Radianz Cloud is described in a press release as one of the largest communities, including “thousands of brokers, exchanges and clearing and settlement institutions.” Community members will have access to bitcoin through the trading platform Gemini.
Director of information technology Gemini Nick Vigier noted that joining Radianz Cloud will strengthen the ties between stock exchanges and institutional market participants.
“Global financial institutions specific requirements for performance, stability and security of the trading infrastructure”, — said managing Director of BT Radianz Michael Woodman.
Services Radianz Cloud available in more than 50 countries. According to the brothers Winklevoss, the new partnership will contribute to a more active promotion of the services Gemini to the world market.
We will remind, a month ago, the Deloitte auditors were convinced that the exchange Gemini meets the standards of traditional financial industry.