Bitcoin exchange Binance announced the first major delisting of digital assets, which will be removed from the auction cryptocurrency Bytecoin, Iconomi, ChatCoin and Triggers.

Binance Will Delist $BCN, $CHAT, $ICN, $TRIG

— Binance (@binance) 9 October 2018

Delisting all trading pairs with BCN, CHAT, ICN and TRIG will be held on Friday, October 12, and then for one month will remain the possibility of withdrawal of these assets.

“To protect users Binance conducts periodic comprehensive analysis of all digital assets presented on our platform, which guarantee their high quality. If a coin or token does not meet these quality standards, they become subject to further review and potential can be removed from the platform”, — stated in the message exchange.

Among the evaluation criteria lists Binance interest of the project team, the quality and level of activity of developers, network stability, or smart contracts, the level of public communication and activity, the response time for periodic inspection of the stock exchange, evidence of unethical or fraudulent behavior, and contribution to the development of healthy and sustainable ecosystem of cryptocurrencies.

Which conditions are violated, the developers of these projects assets, the exchange does not specify. However, against the background of the announcement they all sagged noticeably in the price of Bytecoin fell by 17%, Iconomi 8% ChatCoin – almost 20% Triggers – more than 37%.

Note that earlier Binance only once resorted to the practice of delisting altcoins, when removed from the auction token ICO Centra, whose organizers were charged with fraud.

The exchange team announced that he will direct all fees for listing a new token for the financing of charitable initiatives.

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