The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance unintentionally carried out airdrop BitTorrent. Due to this fact the wallets of some users of the trading platform has been enriched with tokens BTT.

However, soon the situation was clarified by the head of the exchange, Chanpen Zhao:

While doing testing for one tester inadvertently clicked an airdrop button for BTT, giving some buyers launchpad BTT BTT extra tokens. We are resolving the issue now. No other people are affected.

— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) 19 fierce 2019 R.

“While testing one participant inadvertently pressed airdrop and gave thus some participants of the platform Launchpad more tokens BTT. We solve this problem”

One of the commentators joked that to get a little extra token is not a problem. Chapter Binance replied that this issue is now resolved and, most importantly, “all the money #SAFU”, that is safe. Another Twitter commentator quipped that inadvertently pressed the Sell button very cheap and sold tokens BTT.

it is, some balances will be wrong. It’s being fixed now. Funds are #SAFU.

— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) 19 fierce 2019 R.

I inadvertently clicked the sell button, and sold that btt realy cheap

— Eko (@Eko70671421) 19 fierce 2019 R.

Also today, Chanpen Zhao reminded kryptonitetm that to run a test network for decentralized exchange Binance DEX remained only one day.

1 day till the @binance_dex testnet release!

— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) 19 fierce 2019 R.

ForkLog previously reported that the exchange Binance has remained profitable despite a bear market.
