36-the summer inhabitant of Argentina Hector Matias Pradillo (Héctor Matias Predilailo) was the first in the history of the country the real term for stealing cryptocurrencies.
Judge of the Supreme court of the province of Chaco , Maria Susanna Gutierrez (María Susana Gutierrez) has awarded to the hapless hacker to two years in prison for stealing 500 ETH users of the platform Mercury Cash in December of last year.
As follows from an official report of their actions, Pradillo caused considerable damage to the good name of the company Mercury Cash, demonstrating the failure of its security system, thus triggering an outflow of customers and a significant loss of profit.
A period of two years was appointed on the basis of extenuating circumstances – the medical examination, which established that the defendant gamers, and the fact that its contents there are two minor children. Besides, 6 months from the specified period, Pradella has already served in custody.
Platform Mercury Cash from 2016 work in Florida and facilitates the exchange of cryptocurrencies, as well as their storage. Mercury Cash also known as one of the first kryptomere that supported the Bitcoin Cash in 2017.
We will remind, this summer in Japan the circuit court of the city of Sendai also made the first sentence with actual prison time in the case of a remote hidden mining. The unemployed 24-year-old resident of Amagasaki was sentenced to a year in prison for using a remote tool for cryptocurrency mining on other people’s computers without their consent.