Analyst blockchain said that he set five bitcoin addresses that belong to the exchange QuadrigaCX. He published his findings on Reddit on February 13.
In the message u user/dekoze on Reddit stated the five locations, presumably associated with the exchange. This analyst notes that these are just a few of the purses that can be associated with the site. The volume of transactions sent to addresses approximately equal to the number of bitcoins that were previously sent by mistake in cold wallets, which the company has no access.
“It is noteworthy that all the addresses have been inactive since April of 2018, and most of them received the BTC was transferred either directly from the hot wallet QCX, either during the transfer from the purse 1, remote from the hot wallet,” commented u/dekoze. “Thanks to all this information, we can confirm: these 5 addresses are part of the pool of addresses cold wallets QCX”.
QuadrigaCX has faced problems once in December died CEO exchange Gerald Cotten (Cotten Gerald). He left no information about the cold wallets of exchanges or how to access them. Because of this clients exchanges QuadrigaCX can permanently lose up to $190 million Since then appeared many theories related events, including the fact that Quadriga became insolvent even before the death of the Director General.
“At the moment, because of a valid denial and lack of transparency, we have reached a level of precision that does not allow us — people who are not working on law enforcement to say anything”, — concluded u/dekoze. “With minimal understanding of the BTC blockchain, we can take note of important clues, but we can only speculate on their basis”.
In late January, the canadian exchange QuadrigaCX went offline, and a week later, the court exempted the exchange from the harassment of creditors for 30 days.
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