
Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin admitted that the size of its state never reached $1 billion.

Responding on Twitter Professor at new York University to Nouriel Roubini (Nouriel Roubini), accusing him of stealing 75% of Ethereum as the result remainingly Scam Buterin said that he never kept more than 0.9% of all Ethereum and that his condition was nowhere near $1 billion.

I never personally held more than ~0.9% of all ETH, and my net worth never came close to $1b. Also, I’m pretty sure there are no criminal laws against pre-mining.

— Vitalik Non-giver of Ether (@VitalikButerin) October 10, 2018


At the request of another commentator to disclose transactions with Ethereum Buterin sent the link to your e-wallet, from which it follows that he owns 365 003 token (about $73 million at current exchange rates).

We will remind, in February, Forbes published its first ranking of the cryptocurrency billionaires in which acne Buterin took 17 th place with assessment at $400-500 million

Expert on global economy Nouriel Roubini is known for his uncompromising stance on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. The other day, speaking before the us Congress at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on banking, housing and urban development, he said that bitcoin is the mother of all Scam and all the “bubbles”, and the technology of the blockchain is overly hyped, although no better than a spreadsheet or database.
