Cryptomnesia David Knezic created a candy vending machine that accept payment in bitcoins. The device, which was called “Sweet beat” track incoming bitcoin transactions via showing the corresponding number of candies. The machine is supported by the Arduino Micro processor with which you can control your device via USB.

To see how the device here:

Just finished my Bitcoin-enabled candy dispenser ????

— David Knezić (@davidknezic) May 27, 2018

David says he created the device to demonstrate how to easily integrate bitcoin payments. He published the code on GitHub.

To follow the regular implementation of cryptocurrencies in daily lives pleasant and exciting. However, some drawbacks that prevent bitcoin become a popular payment instrument, especially for smaller transactions, is still there. This is primarily transaction fees and the time required for processing payments.

Knezic says he already is working on another device that will use the Lightning Network, the add-on bloccano bitcoin allows you to make transactions faster and cheaper. Even though this technology is at an early stage of development, it is considered as a solution to the scalability problem of bitcoin. Now LN supports transactions up to $150,000.

Thanks Segwit transaction fees have dropped significantly. It is hoped that with the introduction of Lighting Network bitcoin will be suitable for everyday transactions like buying candy in the vending machine is not worse than regular money.
