Coins Ethereum $1 million was transferred from QuadrigaCX on other platforms in December, on the eve of the death of the founder of the exchange Gerald Cotto. It is reported by CoinDesk.
Some transactions of “hot” wallet QuadrigaCX totaling more than 9000 ETH was sent to the stock exchange Binance, Kraken, and Poloniex. The payments on a 5000 ETH undertaken between 2 and 8 December — just before the death of Gerald Cotto. Most of the ether, sent from the wallets of the exchange this week, turned out to be the largest crypto currency exchange Binance.
It is still unclear who initiated these transactions — users or representatives of the exchange. However, these cryptocurrency threads were under the scrutiny of the community.
On the other hand, it is possible that these large transactions was carried out by representatives of QuadrigaCX, which I had to convert the bitcoin to Fiat to Finance the operating costs of the company. It should be noted that the service exchange payment processing shut down the Bank account of the platform in the past year, blocking a $22 million
In turn, Binance, Kraken, Poloniex and Bitfinex has not yet responded to requests CoinDesk about the transaction from the purses of QuadrigaCX.
Another open question is how much money QuadrigaCX kept in cold storage, and how much on the “hot” wallets. According to the statement in court of the widow Cotto, Jennifer Robertson, the company kept on “hot” wallet, with Internet access only the “minimum number of coins.”
According to Kraken CEO Jesse Powell, the story of QuadrigaCX “strange and incredible”. With the exchange connected “thousands of addresses”.
We have thousands of wallet addresses known to belong to @QuadrigaCoinEx and are investigating the bizarre and, frankly, unbelievable story of the founder’s death and lost keys. I’m not normally calling for subpoenas but if @rcmpgrcpolice are looking in to this, contact @krakenfx
— Jesse Powell (@jespow) 3 fierce 2019 R.
We will remind, the exchange QuadrigaCX is unable to access the wallets with the users ‘ funds with approximately $190 million Now among the creditors of the troubled site brewing conflict.
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