Experts blockchain startups Parity have detected in the JSONRPC Protocol vulnerability that threatens the security of the entire ecosystem Ethereum. In particular, under the threat of hacking was services MyEtherWallet, MyCrypto and Infura.

The fix is out—please update your nodes ASAP.

While the vulnerability only directly affects Parity Ethereum nodes that serve JSONRPC as a public service (e.g., Infura, MEW, MyCrypto, etc), we recommend everyone to update their nodes immediately.

— Parity Technologies (@ParityTech) 3 Feb 2019

At the moment the problem is already fixed, the attackers did not have time to use it.

The developers Parity Technologies recommended that users update node to a newer version to reduce the risk of losing access to decentralized applications.

We will remind, in January due to a critical vulnerability in the improvement of EIP-1283, allowing hackers to steal user funds indefinitely postponed hardwork network
Ethereum Constantinople.

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