18 Jun Twitter user posted a message containing audio recording of conversation of the General Director of the bitcoin and Skycoin (SKY) Cinta with Sudo, the administrator of cryptocaryon Telegram. This entry, like a chat message have been removed Sudo, but preserved in a different place and now has been posted for all to see.

From the record it is clear that Sint from Skycoin know what is insider trading Althingi SKY, and the whole conversation is relevant including to the listing of coins at the largest crypto currency exchange Binance, which eventually took place on 24 may. Then Aldon made a big jump, rising to $38. Enthusiasm was also reinforced by the fact that two days before listing on Binance was launched testnet Aldona. Nevertheless, over the few days the SKY has fallen in price twice — too rapid fall, so as not to cause issues. And now this recording even more adding fuel to the fire. After accusations of insider trading in the U.S. is very serious and can lead to arrest.

The theme of insider trading in kryptomere became hot news agenda after the outbreak of a new investigation the U.S. Commission on commodity futures trading (CFTC) brought the stock market to the current downturn. Recall that in early June, the CFTC began to suspect a number of cripture in the manipulation of the price of the cryptocurrency. Ironically and largest platform for cryptocurrency trading Binance may have missed the beginning of the scandal with Skycoin. This may be due to the fact that talk about the insider trading was conducted during the preparation for the listing of SKY on this site. And this is a direct step to a new collapse of the market of cryptocurrencies.

Anyway, SKY rolled 18 Jun even lower, losing nearly 9.9% and falling to $9,25, increasing weekly losses to 43%. Reaction to the recording was mixed. Some claimed that the head of the SKY “was just joking” about insider trading Althingi. Others felt that the entry was perezalit, and the sound was slowed down to make the words insider trading is more serious than it actually is. Also, as is often alleged in such cases, the message was taken out of context.

Vladislav Ginko, economist, expert at the Russian public service Academy at the President of the Russian Federation, especially for Coinspot
